The Portfolio of Brandon Weaver

Welcome to my world

My name is Brandon Weaver. I'm a Software Engineer with Cerner in Kansas City MO.

So what do I do?

Scripting and Development
Ruby, Python, Perl, C, C#, Java, and various Unix Shells
OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Debian, and RedHat based distributions.
Systems Administration
Nagios and Tripwire for monitoring, SSH and VPNs for remote access and SOCKS proxies to keep the nosy masses out of my browsing on public nets.
Web Development
This entire site is an example. The rules of engagement in its design were no graphics or photoshop. This design took approximately 4.6 hours to finish, two of which were selecting a font. It's that important.
Digital design, some traditional art, and the occasional technically related comic series that tends to crop up.

What type of experience do I have?

I started at a local ISP servicing customers through fiber and wireless systems. I've worked on several things in my time there, some of the more interesting are:

  • Web Design and Development
  • Scripting of Tools
  • Creation of custom frameworks for automation
  • Auditing to ensure database purity
  • Dynamic testing to anticipate issues
  • FreeBSD based server setup, including entire web engine and monitoring
  • Backups of entire network segments
  • Cabling and Cable Management
  • Testing Frameworks for Antennas
  • Customer Service

Tools of Choice?

I'm an OpenBSD head with a strong love for Ruby and Rails. My weapons of choice are Vim, ZSH, and Git.

Current Projects

My most recent project is a Cooking assistant, Inceno. You can check it out on my githut page at Inceno